Me & My Stitches

Me & My Stitches
Click on the picture to go to my website. These are 1 1/4" pendants.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A plea and a mess!

It's about my bedtime, so I'm hoping to make this quick.  First, I am putting out a plea for a piece of fabric.  I would love to have a half yard of this, and would take just as much as I can get my hands on. 

As you can see, it's been around awhile!  I doubt I will be able to find any more of it, but thought that my best odds were to check with all of you.  If anyone has this and would be willing to part with it, please let me know.

Now on to the mess.  This is what is currently happening in our yard.  Any guesses?
 Hubby is on the backhoe and the plumber is walking.  Does this tell you what is going on?
Hmmmm...more heavy equipment and lots of PVC pipe.  Can't be good.

 An entire new septic system is certainly going to cut into my stash money!

Remember my Christmas gift?  Hope I don't have to start using it!! (Sorry - couldn't get the pic to turn)
 The only one who is happy about it is...Boomer!  He loves having company and someone to bother play with all day long.
What a crappy week.  Haha - it's laugh or cry at this point! 

Have a non-crappy week!


  1. We can't read the writing on the fabric so it is hard to go in and look.. What a great idea to ask all of us for help.

  2. I just did a search of my fabrics and I don't see any of that one--so sorry. I hope someone can help you.
    Oh, I feel for you on the septic system. People who have always been on a city sewer have no clue the headaches a septic system can make--especially when it needs replacing!
    Have you been out digging a whole under your outhouse? : )

  3. Lovely fabric.... I don't have any of it to send you. Wish I did...

    I've had my own septic line issues in the past... hope things go smoothly for you during the replacement.

  4. I can't help with the fabric, and if you don't get any with this request, you can go to and you might get some that way. I have had success with them before. Good Luck!

  5. Sorry that I can't help with the fabric. I can give you support on the septic issues....I had a beautiful landscaped yard until the county decided I needed a Minnesota mound septic system .....they told me I would never notice it ha ha...looks like a burial mound sitting in the yard. Hope you are weathering this rain --just what you needed mud!!!

  6. Sorry, that one is not in my stash.
    Yikes, new septic tank! What a pain in the ....

  7. That is a lovely fabric and wish I had some to send!!

    Weve had septic problems and know how expensive repairs can be:(

  8. So sorry...I don't have that fabric either. Hang in there!!

  9. I'm afraid I can't help you with the fabric. Sorry :(
    I hope the septic goes in quick and easy. Mom and Dad have septic and they needed to have the tank pumped last year but they couldn't find the map as to where *exactly* the tank was located. Dad took to spot digging in they clay and rock lawn as well as tamping rods down into the clay. He finally gave up and hired a guy to dig until he found it. I hope the map is in a more secure location this time...

  10. Good luck on your fabric search - you might try listing a request at - I know that's exactly what they do there - and it's a free service.

  11. Been there, done that just 2 short years ago. I think I entitled the post "New Landscaping Project" or something like that. And the kicker was, they put the new field where we had toyed around about adding on to the house! So now we can't.... guess we should move!

  12. I checked and am sorry to say I don't have that fabric, Julie -- someone will for sure! Eek - you should get some extra fabric money if you do have to use your Christmas gift!
