Before Easter, I was reading one of my favorite blogs - Pots and Pins - are you familiar with it? She posts about quilting and about food - she has some really great recipes. She got really brave (in my opinion!) and made sugared eggs. Now I don't know if you've ever heard of these, or seen them before, but I remember when I was really young, my brother and I each got one of these for Easter. I wonder what ever happened to them. (Just talked to my mom - she thinks they eventually fell apart!) I remember being very intrigued by them, and didn't understand how in the heck they got all of that stuff inside! So when Nan posted about her crazy day of sugar eggs, it really took me down memory lane. You will have to go and read the post - it's a great story - and if any of you are crazy enough to make them, she gives some good tips. So...I commented on her blog about how her post brought back memories of my childhood (and I really wonder where that egg is!), and that I loved her eggs. And guess what? SHE SENT ME ONE!!!! The package said it was from the Easter Bunny - made me chuckle. Look how cute this is!
Lots of little fun things inside...
This is the top...
The back...
Does it bring any memories back for you? Did/do you have one? Have you ever made them? I don't think it's something I would ever do (not enough patience!), but I sure am excited to have one!
Back to Easter! I didn't take very many pictures but will show you the few that I have. And, I'm stealing some from my step-daughter's Facebook page - hopefully they will show up ok.
I had a good helper on Saturday - we made 25 parfaits! I thought he took a picture of them all finished with my phone, but he must have just posted it on Snapchat, so then of course, the picture disappears. Boo! But, here they are in the works. Isaac was such great help, and we really had fun with it. DH didn't have near as much fun, because he ran to town to pick up a few things and ended up having to go to WalMart THREE times! Luckily, he was still in town every time we ran out of something (we got a little carried away!), but still - I would not have been happy if I had to go to WalMart three times in a week, let alone in one day!
Here's half the crew - doesn't this look like it could end in disaster? That's a lot of crazy kids on one dock. But all is well, Greg got them all set with the fishing poles and paddle boat, and they all had a good time.

Cute little fisher girl

This makes me laugh - tons of Easter candy, and she's munching on raw asparagus!

I stole this picture too - it was the Friday before Easter when they were getting ready to go to school!

And this is after the potty (haha - I crack myself up) is really over! We never leave the lid up, but someone did, and obviously Ozzie felt the need to check it out. I'm just glad he walked on the seat and didn't fall in!
Oh, and here is one finish. You've seen it before, but it's got the binding on now and is the completely finished category! The pattern and fabric are by Betsy Chutchian. The pattern was in a magazine last year, and I ordered the kit from Betsy. Love it!