Before I start I want to say that I lifted all of these great photos from the designers websites, so please do not pin these on Pinterest unless you give the credit to the well deserved designers.
There is so much to take in at market - it's just amazing. I think that I just walk around with my mouth hanging open. We were able to visit some old friends and meet some new new ones as well. When we were in Wisconsin this spring, we met Lori Kabat - who is the owner of Lily Anna Stitches. She has a lot of neat small wool patterns and they are all really nice. My favorite thing of hers is this wool covered lamp shade.
She keeps telling me that I need to make one, and I keep telling her she needs to make me one! It's one of those things that I really want, but I really don't want to make! Lori's son Phil was helping her at market - it was a pleasure to meet him and to see Lori again as well.
You've probably seen posts about Tara's booth, from Sew Unique Creations. Her booth was so warm and homey - she designed 22 new patterns for market and every last one of them is wonderful! I asked her if she would please make something ugly so that there would be one pattern that I DIDN'T want! This is just one of her new patterns that I love.
I now own 3 of her new patterns! top it all off, yesterday I received a wonderful box in the mail from Tara - chock full of scraps! Love her scrap bags!!
Next to Tara's booth was Pam Buda of Heartspun Quilts. Pam also has tons of great new patterns AND a new fabric line coming soon as well. She is the creative force behind the Prairie Women's Sewing Circle program.
We also stopped to chat with Pam from Cotton Tales Patterns. She and her mom have a very nice shop in Hackensack, MN called Piecemakers, which I've blogged about before. It was good to see her again and all of her great new patterns - here are just a few...
We also stopped in to look at all of the beauties in the booth of Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine. If you don't already subscribe to this...WHY NOT? It is an awesome magazine - I always say the only complaint I have about it is that it only comes out quarterly! It is always full of inspiration by some of the best designers.
It was fun to meet the girls that are behind this great publication.
We stopped and visited the Primitive Gatherings booth - you already know that I love everything that they do! Of course, they did not disappoint. She has many new designs and they are all yummy!
Be sure to see Lisa's blog for more great pictures of their booth.
Another booth that is always inviting belongs to Lynn from Kansas Troubles. Don't you love that red glider? If you don't follow her blog, you should sign up - she will keep you up to date on all of the things she has going on - which is a lot! She and Pam (Heartspun Quilts) have a cruise planned for later this summer and Lynn is also working on a book that will be released soon.

Besides all these great booths and wonderful designers, I was also lucky enough to meet some of my blogging and Facebook friends! It's so nice to actually meet these virtual friends in person! I tracked down (stalked) Kimber from Heirlooms by Ashton House blog! She and her husband were grabbing a bite to eat - so we sat down and chatted with them for a bit. I've followed her blog since I started blogging and we actually only live a few hours apart, so it was really nice to finally meet her in person.
I also recognized Sharon from Daisy Cottage Quilting. I always enjoy her blog and we are friends on Facebook, so I knew what she looked like, but again - wonderful to meet her!
And do you all know about Lisa Sipes? Her blog is That Crazy Quilty Girl. Somehow we became friends on Facebook - I don't remember how, but I'm guessing that I saw pictures of her amazing machine quilting and instantly wanted to be her friend! She does beautiful work for sure. And if you've ever seen a picture of her, you know you will immediately recognize her in person! Can't miss that bright magenta hair - and of course she donned a tiara and Princess sash at market.
I had also made plans to meet up with one of my customers, Jennifer, from The Quilted Cow. Her shop is in Cape Fair, MO which is near Branson. We have talked on the phone many times and finally became Facebook friends so we could see pictures of each other so we knew who we were looking for at market! It was great to meet her as well.
From all this, I think you can see that we had a great first day at quilt market!!
THEN (yes, there's more!) Kim's hubby picked us up at the door (love that service!) and took us out for the best Kansas City BBQ at Oklahoma Joe's. WOW!! It was sooooo good. This place is in a gas station (if you can imagine that) and it was just packed full of people. It's not a place that you go and leisurely eat and hang out - there are way too many people waiting to do that. You go, you get your food, you eat and you get out! It was wonderful. I took this picture to make my DH jealous - he loves BBQ ribs...
My wonderful hosts told me that this is the best BBQ around and boy, they were not kidding!
I have more to tell, but I think this post has gone on long enough - so I will share the rest later. You won't believe what we did later that night!
Have a great day!!